MEB’s Five Healthy Habits

You might be thinking “where do I start?” Over the years, I have adopted many healthy habits and I thought you might benefit from some of these. I came up with top five of habits you can start to build. Again, I talked in a previous post about how making too many changes is overwhelming and usually don’t stick in the long run. I highly recommend you only do one or two of these at a time, try it for 3 weeks and be sure you have built it to your routine, then move on to the next few. If you have a goal of losing weight, lot of times, that means doing so many things – exercise, don’t drink soda, don’t eat candies, cook at home, eat smaller meals, and the list goes on. Do you see the point I am trying to make? Do you see why most of us get frustrated and quit?

Okay, here are my favorite habits that will help you achieve a “healthier you”:


Summary from the Video:

  1. Drink Apple Cider with ginger and lemon every morning in an empty stomach
  2. Don’t buy anything that contains more than 6 g of sugar per serving and don’t eat anything with more than 6 g of sugar per serving
  3. Stop buying things (yes, I call them “things”) that didn’t come directly from nature ( I use 2 step processing as my limit)
  4. Listen/Read/Educate yourself
  5. Ask yourself “Will this make me feel as good after I finish eating as it does while I am eating?” If you don’t know the answer, experiment and make a note.